Nucleo f401re arduino library
Nucleo f401re arduino library

nucleo f401re arduino library

There are three SPI controllers, three I2C controllers, and three UARTs. It is faster, 100 MHz, has more SRAM, 128 KB, and 512 KB of flash. There is a new NUCLEO-F411RE ($10.33 from Future Electronics).


This does not interrupt the connection to the serial monitor since there is a second STM32F103 that handles the serial monitor, programming flash, and debug. I now program flash by drag and drop of the apps. I continue to be pleased with the Nucleo boards. STM Studio reads data through the ST-Link SWD debug port so it does not interfere with the real-time behavior of applications. STMStudio reads the elf file generated by the linker to find and displays variables in real-time. Several people have posted Makefiles templates to build projects generated by STM32CubeMX. STM32CubeMX creates a project with the generated start-up code and copies needed library code to the project. The power-consumption wizard estimates the application's power usage. The peripherals-and-middleware wizard aids configuration to avoid unusable settings. The user interface is a diagram of the clock tree and you just edit this diagram. The clock-tree wizard assigns clocks and performs dynamic validation. The STM32CubeMX pin-out wizard assists pin assignment to avoid conflicts and has a constraints solver. STM32CubeMX is a graphical configuration tool that automates configuration and generation of STM32 initialization C code. STM32CubeMX is a big improvement over previous ST configuration tools. I have started using STM32CubeMX to configure Nucleo projects and several other STM32 boards.

Nucleo f401re arduino library